Baton Rouge Accident Lawyers
Accidents happen everywhere and due to their unplanned nature, they can leave people with physical and financial hurdles that are difficult to overcome. These unexpected detrimental occurrences sometimes make it necessary to initiate lawsuits to help with monetary compensation and stave off insurmountable debt related to medical bills, lost wages, or funeral expenses resulting from an accident.
Our Baton Rouge accident lawyers will identify all possible “at fault” parties to an accident and determine the best fiscal outcomes for our clients.
Motor vehicle accidents in Baton Rouge Louisiana
Motor vehicle traffic crash data from 2018 reveals that about 38,000 people suffer related fatal injury each year in the United States, and costs fall somewhere around $55 billion in medical and work loss expenses along with the immeasurable burden on the victims’ families and loved ones, as they adjust to short and long term recovery times and catastrophic bodily injury. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Louisiana residents lose an estimated $1.25 billion in lost work costs and medical expenses due to car accident deaths. These figures don’t begin to account for the medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages individuals experience when they are injured in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident.
Slip and fall accidents in Baton Rouge Louisiana.
Individuals who experience slip and fall injuries because of another person’s negligence, or in an accident on someone else’s property, may take legal action through a premise liability lawsuit in many cases. Accident attorneys will do research to determine if the fall was caused by poor conditions on the property, including improper maintenance, upkeep, or a negative resident, or visitor interaction on the premises. The responsibility of the property owner depends on the standard of care owed to the injured person, which is based on the reason for their presence on the property. For example, an invitee is owed a duty of care, but a trespasser may not be owed that same duty. Homeowners’ insurance may cover these types of injuries depending on the individual policy. The Baton Rouge accident lawyers at Miller & Hilgendorf understand how to build a case for negligence and have experience determining requested damage values based on loss to be reflected in settlements and awards supported by medical, rehabilitative, and disability documentation.
Many slip and fall injuries occur during work hours at a place of employment. In those cases the Louisiana Workforce Commission has a specific process to be undertaken when a person becomes injured on the job necessitating a workers’ compensation claim for monetary damages. The Baton Rouge accident law firm of Miller & Hilgendorf will determine case actions based on the injury and venue, and assist victims toward a comprehensive damage award.
Slip and fall accidents also contribute to the medical and rehabilitative expenses that victims and families face each year. According to the CDC, slip and fall injuries are the leading causes of injury and accidental death among elderly Americans ( people 65 and older). Serious injury including broken bones, or head injury occurs in one out of five falls. More than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling, and falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Car Accidents In Baton Rouge
If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, truck accident, or slip and fall injury in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, you and your family may be facing a range of challenges. Victims may have to take time away from work while they recover. Families may struggle to make ends meet and pay for medical and rehabilitative costs. Under Louisiana law, you may be entitled to receive money to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages. Miller & Hilgendorf is an accident law firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana who work closely with victims and families who have been hurt due to the negligence or neglect of another individual or party. Our firm can take the time to review the circumstances of your case, pursue negligent parties, and help you seek the recovery you may deserve under the law.
Timeline to initiate legal action.
You may only have a limited amount of time to seek a claim under Louisiana law. Louisiana statute requires that personal injury lawsuits for injuries caused by negligence, misconduct, or malpractice must be filed within one year from when the injury was sustained, discovered or should have been discovered through reasonable care. Contact Miller & Hilgendorf at 225-343-2205 to learn more about your rights and options under the law.
What is My Injury Claim Worth in Baton Rouge, Louisiana?
Under Louisiana law, victims are entitled to seek compensation for their injuries, medical expenses, rehabilitative costs, and lost wages. However, under Louisiana’s comparative fault laws, your damages may be reduced based on the amount of fault you may have in your accident. If you are wondering what your injury claim is worth, you may want to speak to the Baton Rouge, Louisiana accident attorneys at Miller & Hilgendorf. Every case is unique and the circumstances of your crash will determine the value of your claim.
Miller & Hilgendorf can review your medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, and take the time to understand your lifestyle before your accident to better assess your pain and suffering damages. If you are speaking to insurance adjusters or are seeking damages from negligent parties, it is important to understand the value of your claim. Here are some things that the Baton Rouge, Louisiana injury lawyers at Miller & Hilgendorf will consider:
- Medical Costs. Our Baton Rouge, Louisiana accident law firm will review your medical bills and will also take the time to speak to experts and medical professionals to estimate the future value of medical expenses and costs. Sometimes the value of future medical expenses can even exceed the value of medical costs already incurred.
- Lost Wages. Like medical expenses, it is important to consider future lost wages as well as past lost wages. If you have to change jobs due to your injuries, the Baton Rouge Louisiana accident lawyers at Miller & Hilgendorf can also seek damages for work re-training and other services you may need to change careers.
- Pain and Suffering. Pain and suffering damages compensate you for your pain, suffering, and losses due to your injuries. While these damages are among the more subjective claims that will be considered in a recovery, they are incredibly important. A mother who can no longer care for her children due to a serious injury not only suffers immensely, but the family suffers as well. An athlete who can no longer compete due to an injury may experience lower quality of life or may miss out on important opportunities. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury, the attorneys at Miller & Hilgendorf in Baton Rouge, Louisiana can take the time to understand your lifestyle before and after your accident. The extent of the pain and suffering recovery you may be entitled to receive will depend on the severity of your accident and the ways in which the accident impacted your life. Pain and suffering damages are calculated using special formulas in which your medical expenses are multiplied by another figure known as a multiplier. This number can be as low as 1.5 or as high as 5 or even higher. Permanent and life-altering injuries will often be calculated using a higher multiplier. However, every case is unique. An elite athlete or construction worker suffering a broken bone may receive a higher multiplier than an office worker or person with a sedentary lifestyle who suffers the same injury.
- Comparative Fault. Miller & Hilgendorf, are accident attorneys in Baton Rouge who also will consider the degree of fault the other person had in your accident. Under Louisiana law, your damages may be reduced by the percentage of fault you are found for your accident. However, a qualified accident law firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana can review the evidence and fight to help you get the maximum possible claim under the law.
Identifying negligent parties.
Baton Rouge accident lawyers will identify all possible “at fault” parties to an accident and determine the best fiscal outcomes for their clients by pinpointing percentages of shared fault among each. Once this determination is made, the damages will be calculated toward a total damage compensation award for the accident victim. Negligent parties may include more than one individual or entity in many instances. Baton Rouge accident attorneys will streamline the processes of investigating the accident, valuating the damages, and recovering insurance settlements, or court awards in a timely manner.
Many factors will go into determining the value of your claim. Before you settle with insurance adjusters or accept a recovery from a negligent party, it is important to speak to accident lawyers in Baton Rouge at Miller & Hilgendorf. Our injury attorneys will review police reports, identify possible stakeholders, and help you understand the next steps.
Protect Your Rights After Your accident in Baton Rouge
If you’ve been hurt in Louisiana, it is important to seek counsel as soon as possible. You may only have a limited amount of time to pursue a lawsuit for your car accident, truck accident, motorcycle crash, or slip and fall injuries under Louisiana’s statute of limitations laws.
Contact the Baton Rouge accident lawyers at Miller & Hilgendorf today to understand your rights and options under the law.
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We offer free consultations for personal injury, family law issues, and criminal law issues.
For employment matters, We offer free consultations for wage issues such as overtime and unpaid wages.
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