After you are injured in an accident, you likely are not thinking about contacting a lawyer right away. Dealing with hospitals, finances and the concern of your family can definitely be overwhelming. During this time it is important to also think about your legal situation. If you are planning to file a lawsuit to collect damages that you deserve, you need to contact a serious injury lawyer. That’s why we’ve put together this helpful list of the top three reasons why you shouldn’t wait to contact a lawyer after an accident.
Reason #1: There may be loss of evidence over time.
When you wait too long to file a lawsuit, you never know what state the evidence will be in once you get around to processing it. Evidence plays a huge part in personal injury lawsuits, and if yours does not stack up in court, you’ll be stuck with a poor outcome.
Reason #2: You could get a quick settlement if you had filed earlier.
Sometimes in personal injury cases, the easiest way to resolve a personal injury case is to settle it out of court. This type of negotiation can be quite effective and is usually satisfying for both parties. This can bypass an expensive and lengthy trial process simply by agreeing on a cash settlement.
Reason #3: You could miss out on your chance to file a claim due to statutes of limitations and government limitations.
There are certain time limits in every state, which dictate how much time you have to file a personal injury claim after an accident. If you wait too long or try to file in the wrong jurisdiction, you could miss out on what you deserve. Working with an experienced attorney can ensure that your case is filed on time and in the right location.